Co parenting crisis🙄

I told my First son's father that I'm getting married.

I planned the wedding around the Weekend I have with my son (He gets him every other weekend.) But most times I'm really lenient with my son's father. So, if my son's father has a holiday on my weekend or if there is a family dinner/someone's in town and wants to see them/ I always work it out & let him take my son for a few extra hours, usually allows me to have a date night with my Fiancee. Anyways,my wedding is Feb 29th, 2020. I'll be 7 months pregnant with my 2nd son, my fiancee's child, and the wedding in general is just a big deal to my family. I'm the only girl, so I'm basically being spoiled that day! :) However.... I forgot every 4 years my son's father and them do a big family reunion for Leap Year. It's just their tradition.

My wedding is from 2-6pm

His reunion is from 5-8pm.

I told him I'd like our son to be at my ceremony (AT LEAST!) Because him and my fiancee have an amazing relationship and my son would be the Ring bearer.

I was told (for the first time with this co parenting) that I am selfish and only worried about my needs....

If you agree, please let me know. But I only get one wedding (hopefully; I've never been married before.) I feel like this is a situation I should get to put my foot down for but then again.. I could definitely be wrong 🤔 comment plz!