Normal or midwife sucks?

Rose • 💗 5.16▪💔 8.17▪💗 7.18▪💗 12.19▪💗11.21▪💔 10.26 💚 11.19 Catholic, keto, old-school momma

I've only been to military midwives or doctors with my previous 3 pregnancies and was looking forward to a civilian provider this time as midwives especially were supposed to be much better. 33W and she refuses to palpate my belly and help me ascertain what position baby is in, won't measure my fundal height even when I request it, and labeled me as GD when I declined the glucola test and asked to check my sugars multiple times a day instead because it would just be easier. 😡 There are no other midwives within 2 hours until after my guess date and the OB in town reccomends against breastfeeding so I'm not even bothering to see him. Is this the norm for civilian midwives or does she just suck?