So much for the gender reveal...

We weren't going to have a big party but I'm still pretty pissed. Tonight was Thanksgiving at my In-Laws and we had our anatomy scan yesterday and found out the gender. I was going to let Dad so the honors as its his family. Well my BIL was standing next to him and when my MIL finished saying grace he yelled out "It's a girl!" My MIL started jumping up and down crying and so I said it wasnt and she of course stopped her celebration. This is my second boy and final pregnancy and I honestly really wanted to be a boy mom. My MIL only comment, "Well, I guess you will have to try again, more grandbabies for me!" WTF Umm nope we are having 2 and done sorry another grandson isnt good enough for you! And WTF my BIL was thinking I have no idea! There wasn't any drinking tonight so he doesn't even have that as an excuse for ruining my husband revealing the gender of his baby. He is fuming mad and I'm pissed.