what is happening to me ?


So let me just explain what is going on. I broke up with my ex in august. We were about 2 years apart in age and just really never got the chance to see each other, since were both in school. Oh course there were other red flags during our relationship, we never really had fun when we hung out together, it always consisted of us just sitting quiet.(until someone wanted to do the dirty) Soo we finally broke up.

THEN i met this amazing guy, omggg he’s perfect. I’ve known him way longer then i did my ex but we were never close. ( it was more of, “you know her” “ yeah i’ve seen her around”) We began talking one day, seriously out of the blue and we clicked INSTANTLY. We talked for a little over a month and a half and then started dating. AND let me tell you it’s been sooo good. He’s the sweetest, most caring, SO GOOD LOOKING, genuine, smart, and ughh the biggest goofball. (Random: we have a thing and we always get goofy matching socks) ok ok ok so we’ve been together for about i’d say 2 months not counting the month we were talkin

but here’s where uhh things go for a turn. Nothing is wrong with him at all, but a week after me and my ex broke up ( we were together for 7 months) he texted me asking me how i was and so on. i was. complete bitch so rude and hurtful. i was still pretty sad and wanted nothing to do with him. Also at this time my boyfriend was becoming my friend and so i had that going for me also. But me being so rude has been biting me in the butt lately and so i had to apologize. Soo about two weeks ago i texted him and i told him i was sorry. he began to tell me how he thought i was messaging him to get back together and was so mad that i had a boyfriend. he began to tell me really hurtful things and say how he’s still in love with me.

so i began to feel bad and told him he will soon find someone , blah blah blah. NOWWW he has me back on social media like instagram. and it’s not weird and we don’t talk but i feel bad. BUTTT on the other hand i’m doing soo good with my current boyfriend and we’re going strong! <3