Why don't I have energy?


Sorry I just need to vent. I hope I'm not the only one like this.

I really wish I had this burst of energy each day to get off the couch and clean the house instead of hurrying to do it before hubby comes home. I wish I could get motivated to lose my last 25 pounds of baby weight. I wish I could get motivated to do pilates to get my baby belly smaller. I have a 5 month old baby boy who wakes 3 to 5 times a night to nurse. I wish I wasn't so tired or that my body would let me sleep when he sleeps during the day. I wish I could get into the Christmas spirit and go buy decorations for the house or finish my Christmas shopping. I should really started pumping and saving milk for when I start weaning him. I wish I didn't feel like a failure because I'm so tired. Thanks for reading if you even made it this far.