My coming out story (the short version)


Not 100% sure how to tell people this so we are gonna post this here

I’ve always had a special feeling towards girls I’ve never really understood and I tried very hard to hide. As I grew up a little bit I started to see that the LGBTQ+ community was starting to become more and more “okay” I did my research and read a lot of things on the different types of sexuality and things of that nature. Coming more into the present day I labeled myself as bisexual because of the fact that I have had sex with a boy and now I have a kid. I want to say just because I did those things doesn’t mean I don’t feel what I do on the inside. I’m happy and I feel better getting it out there. My heart and head knows what I want way before I really did. Even though I don’t really wanna put a label on it I am more physically, emotionally, mentally and sexually attracted to girls. And I always have been. Now that I am accepting myself for who I am on the inside and the out I have started to notice to some things that make it obvious. I am GAY!

The worst part about coming out is hearing my mom say “mmmmm, I don’t really think you’re gay. I think you just want the attention and being gay you will get that” and hearing my dad say “anytime you have something good going you turn on self destruct mode and throw away all your feelings”

I wanna say thank you to my friends who support me, they truly have made coming out much easier for me. <3