What was/is your reason for doing multiple egg retrevials?

My husband and I have been through 2 rounds of

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

now along with plenty of medicated and

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>


I have made 15 eggs both cycles but, when it comes to them growing.... they just don’t.

1st cycle we had one “decent” egg which ended in a loss at 8 weeks.

2nd cycle was just a complete bust. None of my eggs grew to be anything special BUT, we transferred 3 and nothing came of it.

Long story short, we have been trying for over 7 years with 5 losses now.

Under a microscope, my eggs are trash. The quality isn’t good. I can produce good quantity but, not quality.

I have read “it starts with an egg”. I have been on a good vitamin protocol for years now. I’m only 26. We’ve been at this since shortly before I turned 19. My husband and I both have always been healthy eaters and active in the gym so, that’s not an issue either.

We’ve spent upward of $70,000 on trying to have our perfect baby. Our insurance doesn’t cover anything to do with fertility.

I’ve felt like a failure for sooo long now. BUT, I think my heart is finally opening up to the idea of an egg donor.

Should we go on to use an egg donor or should we try again?

Question 2: how many rounds did you have to go through to have true success and why did the previous round/rounds fail?

Question 3: were you on any special protocol?

Thank you ladies in advance for your input 💕💕

I REALLY just wanted to thank you ladies from the bottom of my heart for all your kind words and words of encouragement. Though we were leaning toward a donor anyway (the nurse at my doctor’s office hand picked one specifically for me months ago), we have nearly officially decided that we will go that route. 💕

I also want to wish you ladies luck on your journeys! This isn’t an easy road for any of us.