What would you do?


My first pregnancy ended in a missed miscarriage, I’m currently 5w6d with my rainbow and terrified.

Before finding out I was pregnant I booked a trip to Europe with my sister. I’ll be 6w3d when I leave and almost 8 weeks when I come back. I don’t have my first ultrasound scheduled until I’m 8w1d.

Should I go? I’m nervous I’ll go and then start bleeding or having a miscarriage while I’m away. Should I try to get into my Dr for an early scan? Im nervous about going when I don’t even know that this pregnancy is viable/ not ectopic etc. but also scared that if I do an early ultrasound when I’m 6 weeks and don’t see a heartbeat I’ll be freaking out the entire time anyways.

Agh pregnancy after miscarriage is so stressful 😭

My dr doesn’t see a reason for me to not go and neither does my husband.

Anyone else scared to do anything because of a precious loss?

Just needed to vent.