Defeated 😞😭

Tricia • Mommy to 2 handsome boys 💙 and a beautiful little girl 🩷

I know this is a group for faint lines but I just need to get this off my chest, for everyone struggling to conceive I feel your pain, for those who are exhausted from seeing indents or faint lines that never get darker I feel you, for those of you who are always seeing negatives I feel you. Over the past several days I had what I thought was a faint positive test turns out I was a victim of the FRER indent with color garbage. My period showed her ugly face this morning and I’ve been crying ever since as we’re desperately trying for #2 so for everyone on this group struggling wether it’s to conceive #1 #2 or whatever # your on I feel you and I’m here for anyone who needs to talk about it. I don’t normally post things like this on here but this morning just pushed me to a heartbreaking point. I wish all of you beautiful ladies get you BFP and I’ll keep trying for mine.

God Bless you all, sorry for the long post just needed to get this off my chest