Hashimoto’s + post-Thyroid Cancer + TTC

This is a long post for a longtime lurker on Glow... but just looking here for some hopeful stories or if anyone’s been through anything similar...

My TTC story began over two years ago - no hormone issues detected ever prior to this year - even at my persistence in checking them as I had a feeling something was off (thought hormones were off bc I spot almost a week before my period — at times heavily — but that’s still not resolved!). I even get yearly checkups and nothing appeared wrong. After 10 months of TTC, I did get pregnant, but unfortunately I miscarried. Many people said I’d get preggo right away after a miscarriage but after another 5 months of trying again, I was fed up and insisted on a full hormone panel. This was the first time a doctor told me I had to come in on day 2 of my cycle to get an accurate read. The labs showed my thyroid levels were off (I got a checkup literally 4 months prior and nothing was wrong.). Around this time I also developed heart papiltations that I didn’t even think were related to hormones and tried to give up coffee to stop them. After going to an endocrinologist, he confirmed I had autoimmune thyroid disease - Hashimoto’s (caused papiltations). Shortly thereafter, I also learned I had thyroid cancer after an ultrasound on my neck. My thyroid was removed before summer and I did radioactive iodine in June. I was put on 137 mcg levothyroxin and it seems all my levels are getting better. I can start trying again this month (6 months post radiation), and I’m hopeful as my periods are now in the 26-30 day range and I seem to be ovulating day 13-14 (per ovulation sticks). Before the surgery, my cycles were 31-36 days and my ovulation seemed to come way later in cycle. When I started TTC, I could have never imagined this journey - I never expected to get preggo right away - I anticipated a 6-8 month wait time - but not ALL that has happened. Has anyone experienced a similar journey? Were you able to conceive? I sometimes wonder since thyroid issues weren’t apparent in my first 10 months of trying, was that even the issue that caused it to take so long? This is a question I won’t know the answer too - I’ve heard thyroid issues can be silent until they show a result on a lab. Anyone who can relate, please comment! Thanks!