How to handle having a newborn and an absent spouse

We recently had our second son, and my husband had to leave out of state for his job today, after being away for the last 2.5 weeks of my pregnancy and making a short visit home for the birth. We don't know when he will be back home, or if he will even get to come back for Christmas.

I'm already having a hard time thinking about the uncertainties, and not knowing when we will see him again. We have a 2.5 year old who adores his daddy and won't get to see him for who knows how long. I'm extra emotional and overwhelmed - maybe it's just the hormones. Our toddler has been acting out a ton. I also plan to start working from home already this week. Mostly, I'm just thinking about how much I am going to miss my husband and the help. We don't have any other option for now because his job pays so well. He took this position because it was local with little to no travel, but unexpected circumstances with the company took him out of state. He even has his own apartment there which makes it feel more permanent. We only talk for 5ish minutes in the morning, he doesn't have signal during the day, and then a few minutes at night but it's hard because there is a time difference.

I feel so upset with him even though it isn't his fault and he doesn't have much of a choice. I'm mad at the company and that some people get to stay home with their families instead of being relocated during these circumstances. I think maybe I'm having some serious postpartum depression because I almost felt a dislike for my toddler earlier, and thought briefly of divorce even though I have no grounds for it. I hung up on my husband a few minutes ago because he asked "if" I wanted him to call later tonight, instead of just saying he would. My husband is faithful and trying and I feel like a jerk. I am not sure how to get through this and want to be a better person for my family. I can't stop crying. I don't know how military families do it.