5 weeks and 5 days old, wakes up only twice.


I might get shit for this but I co slept with all of my babies, it’s what works for us. This is my third baby and every time I read about moms not sleeping at night I feel bad! I remember it was like that with my first baby when I tried so hard to have him sleep in his own bed. he wouldn’t stop waking up every 30 mins or if I was lucky every hour. The only thing that worked was when he was sleeping next to me. After my first, I let my babies sleep next to me and I can’t complain! I sleep better with a newborn then a two year old. 😂 the only time I need to get up is when I need to change a dirty diaper but most of the time I just roll over and give him the boob. Then back to sleep he goes. But I’m definitely going to change things up this time. Trying to move a two year old out of your bed isn’t easy! So I’m definitely going to move this baby to his own bed once he hits 3 or 4 months old!