Birth of Twin boys

Bethany • Happily Married💍👫. First baby is in heaven👼. Momma to 2 boys 🧒🧒. Pregnant🤰with baby girl 👶.

I know that I am late for posting my birth story but here it is.

I had my beautiful twin boys on November 6th. It was a long journey to get to this point but it was worth it all.

2 days before I had them, I was having Contractions but I didn't feel like it was actually labor. I cleaned the house and finished getting our nursery ready. I even packed my hospital bag and the boys hospital bag.

The next day around 5 pm, my FIL came over and we decided to go on a very long walk. I didn't think that anything was going to happen. I was wrong. At 11:47pm my Contractions picked up and I couldn't get comfortable and I wasn't able to sleep. I then waddled to the bathroom and I sat down on the toilet and then I felt a gush of fluid. My water had broken and then the contractions started coming.

By that time my husband was home and we decided to head to the hospital. We called my Obgyn.

Once we arrived at the hospital, I was checked and they immediately took me up to L&D. I was 8 cm almost 9 and I was 100 percent ephased. They prepped an OR (It is mandatory that twins be delivered in an OR because of potential complications) and I was asked if I wanted an epidural and if that I did, that I would need to get it right away. I said no which I now regret very much.

I was wheeled to the OR and I was ready. It only took 3 pushes to get Baby A (Harrison) out. When it came time to push Baby B (Grayson) out, he was being stubborn and was up high. It took me an hour to push him out and I ended up tearing which hurt really bad. It was worth it though.

My boys are almost a month old now and they are my everything.