Should I take it seriously?

I know cholestasis is real and dangerous, but I don't want to be a hypochondriac either. Well, I'm 25 (almost 26) weeks and last night I noticed my feet and hands were pretty itchy. I wouldn't describe it as intense, but it was enough to be noticable and annoying... And made falling asleep difficult. Here's why I'm not sure about taking it seriously or just waiting and seeing what happens - the weather is getting colder and my skin is getting dryer (though I use lotion regularly). I'm itchy all over today, still mildly, but also on my hands and feet, which are unusual places for me to be itchy, even in the colder months.

Should I give it a little more time, or go ahead and mention it to my midwife (who I'm scheduled to meet with tomorrow)? We've already had a few other, unrelated, "scares", so I don't want to sound like I'm looking for something to be wrong or like I'm a worrier, because I'm really not at all, but I definitely don't want to let something serious go on too long without diagnosis or treatment. I guess I'm just looking for some advice because I feel a crazy person right now. 😅