Pregnancy #2

So I just found out I was pregnant w my 2nd child. I’m confused in emotions. Happy but sad. Sad bc it’s not w the same father as my first baby. He was incarcerated, we broke up and went our own ways. I ended up w this guy. He was a great dad to my baby. Treated him like his own, he would tell me to save my money and he would buy whatever my son needed. He was great. Now that I’m pregnant with HIS CHILD, he started to get more distant. Which would mess w me. I thought he didn’t love me anymore. And i don’t know if it’s the hormones messing w me, but on thanksgiving he invited me over to meet his family. I wasn’t feeling it. I’m always depressed on holidays and I like to spend time alone. He was taking forever to reply, so I gave up on responding to him. Then my phone dies and I guess he started blowing my phone up, thought I blocked him. Finally he tells me “have fun w the guy you’re with” when really I was at my house in bed depressed crying all day. He didn’t believe me then he breaks up w me and blocks me on everything. I’m so against abortions but I just don’t know what to do at this point. My depression is messing with me more than ever and suicide s become an option... and I’m trying so hard not to fall this deep again into depression... now I’m alone, and I have to deal w the same stuff I dealt with in my first pregnancy. And this isn’t what I wanted for myself. I’m alone once again... w another baby...

idk what to do anymore.