Caiden Reid...

Today I found out I lost my beautiful baby. I was 10+1 and nothing hurts more then seeing your uterus empty on a screen. I had an ultrasound 4 weeks ago because I was bleeding and in pain and I got to see my babies heart beat and was convinced everything was ok and we would be meeting in June. Unfortunately that is not the case now and I am so fucking heart broke. Please tell me this will get less painful. Please tell me I will eventually be ok. Please tell me it's ok to feel this devastated..

Now all I can do is go cuddle up to my daughter and thank God I got to keep her.

I love this baby so much.

Idk who he was going to be or what he was going to look like but I do know I love him.

I had so many dreams he was a boy so I am sticking to him being my baby boy.

I love you Caiden Reid more then you will ever know and I'm so sorry we didn't get to see your beautiful face and give you all of our love. You will always be with us though 💙