This doesn’t have a happy ending


I posted yesterday about taking a test despite having a legit period. It was positive. Two more were positive. Went to my family doctor a short while later. Positive test there. Got bloodwork done. Today they called with the results and my level was 12. 5 or less is negative. 25 or more is positive. Anything between that is just WTF. They’re making me wait another week to repeat it. Ectopic pregnancy is a possibility. So is it maybe being leftover from a loss. But I tested negative, stark white up until my period started. The test I took today is a lot darker and showed up right away vs yesterday’s which took about 5 minutes to really be a legit line. (Yesterday on top today on bottom). I’m also equally dehydrated today and didn’t hold my pee this time. Both are pink despite what they look like in the pics. I’m really worried about an ectopic now. I called the OBGYN the nurse is leaving a message but she said it would be too early to even see anything on an ultrasound so I shouldn’t be at risk of a rupture at this time. She said they would probably want me to repeat the beta in a few weeks. That’s even longer than my family doctor said.