Hello 👋🏻

So my boyfriend and I have had sex a lot!! I have irregular periods. Anyways last December of 2018 I had an ultrasound done and they couldn’t find my left ovary but my right ovary they found and it had a bunch of cyst on it. Then he did a ultrasound to see how things are in August of 2019 and again couldn’t find my left over (turns out I don’t have a left ovary) and my right ovary didn’t have cyst on it and he said it was clear. So anyways I had a period the beginning of November and I know I’m irregular but I had sex the “fertile” week it says on glow all the way up until now. Should I take a pregnancy test? If I was pregnant shouldn’t I feel symptoms. Only thing I’ve noticed was I have dull crampy feeling on right side and yesterday in my lower lower back I had a dull little pinching cramp then it went away. My nipples are super tender and sore to the touch but my boobs and stuff isn’t!

I know y’all are gonna say well just test and find out 😬🙄 ok, boomer!