Help! Sick MIL


My MIL and FIL are visiting from out of state. My husband picked them up from the airport yesterday afternoon. When they arrived to our home my baby was breastfeeding so they had to wait a while to hold him. As I was feeding him I noticed they both sniffled and cleared their throats. I asked my husband if they were sick or had been crying (they’re emotional people and this is their first grandchild). As baby was done eating my husband asked them if they were sick and they both said “of course not” so they took turns holding baby.

Later they wanted to go out to eat so we went and as my husband was ordering food my MIL mentioned that she showered in the morning and then went out in the cold so her nose was feeling a little stuffy 😒 Once we got home I told my husband what she had said. She started coughing and sniffling a lot more so my husband offered to take her to the store to get medicine and she immediately said yes so she can feel better for tomorrow. If this is a cold it will not get better, it needs to run its course. I’m nervous that she will act like she’s better when she’s not.

Do I let her hold the baby? Should I make her wear a mouth cover to hold him? Am I being rude if I don’t let her hold him even though she flew a thousand miles to see him? Any advice is appreciated. My baby is 4 weeks old but the way.