Starving Myself

I’m a young girl in a very big body and when I look at myself I see fat everywhere. I’ve tried so many diets and working out with my mom and friends. Nothing is working it’s like I’m eating good, but I keep on getting bigger. I really don’t want to starve myself but I will if it makes me smaller. I’m 13 almost 14 I’m 5” tall and I’m 145 lbs. I’m super insecure and I don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve talked to multiple professionals, my friends and my family. I just can’t lose it while being healthy. Also depression runs through my family and so does obesity, I’m pretty sure I have depression because I have so many issues. My family has been obese as long as I can tell. The women gain weight and can’t lose it unless it’s with starving themselves or surgery. I need help but I’m not sure where to get it anymore.