TFMR @ 23 Weeks

It took my and my husband 2 1/2 years to conceive are baby girl , the pregnancy was going amazing no complications at all. We done the nipt test which showed low risk for all her chromosomes we were on cloud nine finally our dream of becoming parents was coming true. We had the dreaded anatomy scan which we were told our baby had dandy walker , hydrocephalus, a cyst growing in back of her neck the size of her head and her brain stem was damage. We went to 3 different specialist Columbia university , Boston’s children hospital (best in the country) and they all told us how she wouldn’t have a quAlity of life and how I had a chance of bleeding out from the csection to the size of the cyst. So we made the painful decision to terminate the pregnancy on tues dec 3rd . I feel so empty I don’t know how to go on without her. I know I made the best decision for her I rather suffer then have my baby girl suffer for the rest of my life. I feel as I need to get pregnant right away to not feel pain but I’m already having anxiety about ttc and how long it will take. This pain is the worst pain I ever felt. I feel like I can’t breathe! Does anyone have any postive stories that will help me see there’s light at the end of this dark tunnel.