

I just made a big move from Michigan to Mississippi my dad and step mom have been here for almost 2 years . I miss my Michigan family bad I’m barely eating if anything I’ll have something small at dinner I’m crying for hours on end I keep thinking about home I want to go back so bad but everyone including mom mom just says work work work and save and i told my mom I’m going to work save and move back to Michigan I can’t do it here I’m way to depressed my step mom makes me feel like trash and treats my little sister like a princess even when she messes up a lot or she messes up bad and I feel like this change wasn’t the right one I don’t know what to do I don’t want to hurt my dad and go already he seems to love that I’m here my step mom on the other hand is a different story. Someone please help me out I don’t know what to do I’m scared and depressed