
Hi everyone! I am 24 and this is my 6th cycle TTC#1! I have never posted before but idk why this cycle is driving me crazy. I NEED TO KNOW😂 I have already gone through 1 chemical pregnancy in April and an “almost” ectopic pregnancy in August. (They said it was right outside of my Fallopian tube which is why it was causing me so much pain. Basically blocking/attached to the end🤷🏼‍♀️)

If I don’t get pregnant this cycle I have to wait 2 months and take a break because my BIL is getting married September 20th of next year in Wyoming and I live in Pennsylvania and I’m not going across the country 9 months pregnant. Lol or 8 months pregnant for that matter so I am really hoping and praying that this is our month!

Anyone think I have a good chance? I want to test SO SO SO SO BAD! Who else is close to me? When are you testing??? Would you keep TTC anyway even with the across the country wedding?? Distract me please!!!

Baby dust to all that we get our Christmas and New Years miracles!🧚🏻‍♂️✨✨✨