First formula bottle and I’m a mess


UPDATE: he hates the formula, he won’t even really try it... I’m home for the next four days but idk what I’m going to do for the weekend? Any recommendations?

My little guy is 8 months old and after fighting with all my might I have run out of my stash. I do not pump enough at work to replace what he eats while I am at work even though when I’m home I can feeding him what he needs. (I’ve always been a “just enough-er “) I’m an ER nurse and I just can’t relax while pumping to get adequate let down... so today while I am at work my husband is going to need to give my son his first formula bottle... and I’m a mess about it... I keep telling myself in my head its only when you’re working, you will still breastfeed him just the same, fed is best... but that stupid feeling of inadequacy is screaming louder than my voices of rationality... lactation said I am doing great and to be proud of how far I got but in this moment I don’t feel proud 😓😢