I feel like I’m losing my mind...

My son is two months old and I feel like I may have postpartum depression. Tonight everything kinda hit me all at once. I literally don’t have the energy to do anything and at first I figured it was due to the fact that I just had a baby. But now it’s like a dark cloud is hanging over me most days and all I wanna do is lay in bed all day and do absolutely nothing. Then on the days where I’m ok and can semi function, I can’t get much of anything done because my son is a handful. He isn’t sleeping through the night yet, naps during the day for him are pretty nonexistent, and he cries nonstop a lot of the time. I’m just exhausted and even though I love my son beyond words, I find myself wishing that I only had one child again which makes me feel like a bad mom and then I get all depressed again. Its like I’m trapped and I hate it but I just can’t shake the feeling.