Fertility testing


Just starting down the path of fertility testing and it is already beating me up. I have always had a normal cycle with normal flow and very little cramping so when hubby and I started ttc for the 1st time I really thought our issue was going to be his sperm. I was so wrong.... his test came back blazing normal on everything. I began my testing at the end of my cycle with progesterone bloodwork only to get my period unexpectedly early that same night. Ok no big just redo it. Then my fsh bloodwork has now come back lower then they like to see... ok no problem we can figure it out.... had my hsg yesterday and tubes are clear but they saw 2 spots in my uterus that the dye looks to be going around. Now I am going back tomorrow to have a camera inserted to see what they are if anything. Just feeling a little beat up right off the start line. Anyone have any advice or been through similar? I'm hopeful these spots are just polyps and nothing more to worry about.