First time mama here. Thought I’d join the bandwagon and share my birth story since it was a pretty tough experience.

At 37 weeks I was right on the borderline for cholestasis and my main symptom was itching so bad I gave myself marks and welts. I was diagnosed on a Thursday, and set up an appointment for Friday. I went in on Friday, and they wanted to induce me that Sunday.

Sunday comes, and we go in at 3:30pm. I was put on Cytotec at 4:30pm at .5 cm dilated. 4 hours later I’m at 1cm and they insert a Foley bulb. LET ME TELL YOU THAT HURT LIKE HELL. Anyway, at my 5 am foley check Monday morning they tug on the bulb and it comes out. I’m about 3-4cm at this point. They start Pitocin.

All day Monday I was on pitocin, they were upping it every hour or so it seemed. I felt nothing but typical tightening and cramps. I was totally fine, playing cards with my hubby and watching movies. They were surprised by my tolerance and switched to upping every 45min.

About 6pm Monday I’m still at a 4-5cm and they talk about potentially breaking my water. At this point my cervix is SO RAW from they checking and shoving their hand up there the pain hurts more than the contractions- I opt for an epidural.

About 7-8pm I get the epidural, I’m fine from there. No pain, I get some sleep, still no change in dilation.

Tuesday morning comes and I’m about 7cm. But the worst is yet to come.... my epidural wears off. Like completely. Then I feel the worst pain of my life. With every contraction baby girl was hitting the back of her head on my sacrum. The pressure on my lower back and rectum was excruciating. I was screaming and sobbing, it felt like I was pooping shards of glass. They deny me another epidural.

At this point I’m going on 3 days of labor, no food but ice chips, and no pain meds. I demand a c-section against their wishes. They prep me, I get a spinal barely able to sit up from the pressure. They get her out, I vomit straight bile from not eating. While they stitch me up, the doc leans over the curtain to tell me “she probably wasn’t coming out, your pelvis was too small”. LIKE YOU COULDNT FIGURE THAT OUT BEFORE?????? That’s probably why my cervical checks hurt so bad. At least I know now what my birth plan will be. At every appointment I’ve had, everyone has said “I read you’re chart, ARE YOU OKAY?” Like they knew I went through hell.

Baby girl was born 11-19-19 at 4:12pm. She had a big hematoma on the back of her head that was red from her hitting my sacrum. But, I would go through it all over for her💓