In need of pep talk!


My wife and I just got through this cycles tww. And got a BFN this am on two pregnancy test. This is our 4th <a href="">iui</a>. We have an appointment to look into our options moving forward but we really are just finding it hard cycle after cycle of no luck. Any tips or suggestions to ensure the best timing and such? I even got a blood test this one to make sure I was elevated and ovulating and was for sure! Hopes are dropping in mine and my wife’s minds. We know it takes hetero couples several time too for success, but its just discouraging.

We had a successful <a href="">iui</a> on our first one but after 6weeks our little peanut didn’t make it. Since then we have tried a total now of 4 times. And the tww is hard because as y’all know, the symptoms and all the things you can feel and imagine and all. Just feeling like I’m letting our family down.