Femara and changing cycle length

L • Mom of 2 boys. MC. unexplained secondary Infertility. 3 Failed IUIs. IVF cycle started April 23.

Have any of you taken Femara and it change your cycle length? I'm a few days late, but I had 4 negative tests before we left on vacation. Now im stuck with inlaws so cant really justbrun and grab a stick...

Yesterday I was up 23 hours so I discarded my temp this morning because I had 4 hours sleep and was up 3 hours later than usual.

I usually have 24-26 day cycles. Tomorrow is CD 29 and no cramping, which is unusual for me. But I dont habe any pregnancy symptoms. But no period symptoms either except moody.

Just ready for my cycle to start sonee can start Femara one more time before

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> (I'm travelling in Jan so we have to wait for an <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>).

Also, if I dont start in the next 4 days, my fertile days will be while I'm out of town which would suck. Last month hubby had to go to MN while on fertile days so to miss 2 months in a row of timed intercourse is annoying.