My SO and my son relationship.

My SO and i, have been friends for 12years. We been together for 5 years now. Right now TTC. His first. My second. My son just turned 11.

MY SO and Son have a really good relationship. I just found out that my Son and SO have a secret.

My son has "quite time", right before bedtime. Pretty much lay in bed with lights out and watch a movie or read books. Sometimes ipad, where he has little games he likes to play time to time.

Anyway after a hour or two, ill go on in there and tell him to turn it off and go to bed. Sometimes he will say "one more minute" or "can i finish the movie".

Which ill say "fine" or "5 more minutes,but when i come back everything better be off and your sleeping."

Well this night my SO and i we're about to start a movie and i mention i needed water and that im going stop by my sons room to make sure everything was off.

So i head out my bedroom door, when i realize i for got my glass to refill. When i turn around to get it i seen my SO across room knocking on wall. Then running back to bed.

I was confused.. My SO started laughing. Then i realize... Hes been warning my son when im going check on him. I just started laughing.

I guess hes been doing it for while now. It obviously working. Everytime i go in there he does turn it off and goes to bed. I do a double check. I mean there has been times i know hes fake sleeping. Ill just tell him "go to bed" in my angry voice.

I thought it was cute. I dont want end something like that. I remember secret things like that. My mom would sneak me new shirt or something. So dad wont see or my brothers woundt know.

I wanted to share, i thought it was cute.

Do you or SO have cute little things like that??