HELLLP! Am depriving my child of love???

I’m a mom to a toddler and I feel a disconnect with her. I don’t want her to view me as a mean mom bc I am the disciplinarian. (My husband doesn’t do anything when she’s misbehaving) Overall for her to be two (terrible twos) she’s not a bad kid. Sure she does things sometimes like tear the blinds up or KEEPS turning the WiFi off but nothing extreme. She doesn’t have temper tantrums, she doesn’t act out in public. The most I get on her for is whining. However occasionally when she does do something wrong I struggle with how to discipline her. Most times I just yell bc I feel she’s too young to get popped but then I feel like I don’t want her to think this behavior is okay then she turns into an unbearable three year old. Idk I spoke to my husband about it and he said maybe we should just put her in time out, spend less time yelling at her and more time hugging and playing with her. I totally agreed with him. But then I started to realize how I don’t spend a lot of time playing with her. I’m always hugging and kissing on her but still. I’m in the army so I have a set schedule all week and now I can’t help but to think I’m depriving her of love. She like to lay on top of my husband and I to go to sleep but personally that’s uncomfortable for me and I know it hurts her cus she cries. Now she just lay as close as possible to me or lay on her father. But how do I make it better? It’s absolutely nothing I wouldn’t do for her. I love her beyond I could ever describe. But how can I be a better mom and show this to her? Being a great mom is my number one goal in life and I do not want to fail. 😢