Do you think parents should teach their kids how to interact safely with cops


I was watching an episode that showed a black father with his two kids getting pulled over by two white cops. They asked him for insurance and identification then the guy asked why he was being pulled over. The cop said expired tags and the man offered to get the new ones out. That’s when the cop became aggressive. So one of the kids was taking a video on their phone. The cops had their guns out. The other child woke up in the backseat ,and one of the officers pointed the gun at the car almost shooting the child.

Eventually the situation calmed down, and no one was harmed. It really had me thinking about how truly scary it is to be in a situation like that. I worry of how my son would be judged as he’ll be half white and black.

My question is should parents teach their kids how to safely interact with cops ?

What steps would you tell them to do to avoid a tragic situation?