Thoughts on raising pets conformed to a lifestyle or religion? hi

Jessizu • I wear lots of hats.

So I have a neighbor who's dog keeps escaping their yard. They keep their sliding door cracked when they arent home so the dog can go in and out freely.. I started giving her treats if she comes to my yard because I can keep her in my house or fence until her owners get home and she wont go wandering off into the busy street a block away. gives me peace of mind shes okay..

I give my dog frozen soup bones as treats, big bones with some meat, meat juices, blood, marrow, all that good stuff that makes soup bones amazing for soup.. The dog came over one day last week so I gave her one of these bones since I had just given one to my foster and my dog so they would all keep to themselves.

When the owner returned 5 hours later (I texted her telling her the dog was at my house) I let her take her soup bone home with her. I get an ANGRY text later saying they are Seventh Day Adventists and to them consuming blood is a sin and against the law of God and we were disrespectful to give their dog a bone that contained marrow and blood (dog ate all of that prevuously.. it just went home with the bone part)..

I thought this was a bit wackadoodle as an animal cant follow a religion... I can understand lifestyle like feeding animals organic wholesome food. I dont buy bleached rawhide so the only gnawing treats they get are these bones and antler..

Anyway, should people force religion into their pets? I'm sure it can go more extreme than 7thDA neighbor.. but what are your thoughts?


more clarification from the owner: Blood consumption is a sin in their belief and they think allowing a dog to consume something against Gods law will cause it to have feral instincts and crave blood and fall into wicked deeds like murdering other animals and things...

so they had "justification" for their thoughts...

another edit:

I had full permission to feed the dog prior to this.. when it they moved 8n 5 months ago I warned them that the precious renter put a hole under the fence to use a pump to pump out standing water and nexmver fixed the fence.. I asked if their dog can have treats and she said in her own words "Yeah she can have anything".. "...anything" in her own words.. I'm not feeding the neighborhood animals I dont know food.. the dog has gotten out 12-14 times in the past 5 months.. that's when I started calling her over, texting the neighbor she is here and feeding her..

as a foster I am aware of allergies. we get any intakes in to the vet and we get them on a high quality nutrient rich food to help their bodies since we dont know what environment they had before. but per the conversations we've had and how casually they appeared to be with letting their dog roam a new neighborhood they seemed fine with their dog getting treats.. no dietary restrictions were ever mentioned..