Early contractions ?

Im 26w1D and I’m not sure if I’m having early contractions or if its just normal round ligament pain or BH.Sometimes through out the day especially at the very early morning I get pelvic pain that extends all the way to my groin and thighs it would happen for a few seconds then go away, but now it is taking longer than a few seconds to go away and its also now extends to my back they feel like period cramps rather than sharp pains. When it happens i feel like I’m also getting an upset stomach. I cant go to my ob or call her bcs the place i go sucks you have to have an appointment and my next appointment is until jan 6 . The only place i can go is to the ER but i dont want if its just round ligament or bh bcs it only happens mostly in the very early mornings when im sleeping.. during the day too but more at morning