I got my wittle baby🥰🥰


I'm so over the moon and was in total shock for a while afterwards! Here we go! **I should mention before hand, due to complications at the beginning of pregnancy, my husband and I felt best if my kids and I came to stay in AZ with my mil for the pregnancy because we had no help since we just moved to SD and he couldn't take off work. We had planned for him to come early before my induction date and for xmas so he had started driving at 6:45am Sunday morning from SD to AZ.***

Sunday morning, I woke up with the same pain in my hips and sluggish feeling. Took me forever to get up and get ready for church. Once I got to church I saw my doula and she asked to pray over my baby belly. I accepted and went into service like normal. I kept feeling sluggish so I kinda just sat in the back and kept to myself. My mil goes with me. Well service ended and I met up with my SIL and we were talking when I felt a sudden gush. Small but sudden so I excused myself to the bathroom. It was clear and didn't smell like urine. I cleaned up and went out to find my mil and grabbed my other kids. I was suppose to run back to the church to turn in a paper. Once I got to my mils house, I ran to her bathroom to grab a pad and monitor what I assumed was my water leaking. Hour and a half went by and I had a few more gushes but I just wasn't sure but wanted to go get checked just to make sure. On our way out the door, my water fully broke, no doubts at all.

So I get to the hospital about 3pm and immediately admitted. I'm here alone. My friend is sick, my mom had no ride, Mil was watching my kids and my SIL has 10 kids so. My doula has 8 kids so she wanted me to wait to call her until I was more into the labor. I hadn't been having very many contractions and was only 2.5cm dilated when I got there. So for a few hours I walked and bounced on my ball and it was getting a few contractions but not much. Then my doctor wanted me to take a med by mouth that would help ripen the cervix. By the time I agreed to take it it was 11 and my husband was about 2ish hours from me. So I took it in hopes I could sleep and my husband would be here when I woke up. Well it didn't go as planned. I hadn't been getting checked because of the risk of infection. My contractions weren't steady enough for it to indicate that I was dilating. Suddenly I found myself calling my nurse. My back was killing me, I told her I was getting terrible contractions but the monitor still only showed the number 5. Which means no contraction. I was getting super discouraged. This was my last baby and I wanted to go pain med free. An hour later, I caved and they started the process for the epidural. It took a lot longer than I expected but in reality, I only waited like 20-25 minutes lol. In the mean time I was in tears and screaming because it felt like my pelvic bone was tearing in two. Yet my monitor still read 0 contractions. Well half way into getting the epidural, I felt that burning ring of fire people talked about. I started screaming at them saying they needed to hurry up because she wasn't waiting. She was coming NOW. So the anesthesiologist was half way done and was like we can stop so you can push. 😂 I was like no fuck that finish what you're doing! So I finally got the epidural and I could FEEL babies head right there. I still felt contractions but the epidural worked for the most part. I called my husband and was like pull over she isn't waiting. Dead ass he was like 20 minutes away. So the doctor said we could wait as long as baby would wait so Literally crossed my legs and said we'd wait. 25 minutes later, my husband can be heard RUNNING into the hospital room lol. Everyone files in, I push three times and baby girl was born! I was in full active labor start to finish for 2 hours (not including my water breaking) and not ONCE did any of my contractions register🙄🙄 and no one but my husband made it to the birth lol.

But on a good note, baby girl is here and healthy! Born 12/23/19 at 12:59am. She weighed 7.2 pounds and was 18.5 inches long. She is actually my smallest baby! She is so perfect and quiet. Her name is Remedie Charlotte Lorice Roche. 💕💕