Feeling discouraged 😞


Baby girl has been cluster feeding for the last 2 days & I explained that to my husband.

He's worried about her constantly wanting to be on the breast and has suggested multiple times I give her formula. I'm not sure how else to let him know its natural and she knows what she is doing. Shes got plenty of wet & dirty diapers so I know she is fine.

Finally feeling like giving up.. up until now my mom, FIL and husband have all made comments about starting her on formula because I'm "not filling her up" but i know my baby, she is very happy after nursing and again plenty of diapers being changed. I'm just so frustrated with no one believing in me.

When I got pregnant i was unsure about breastfeeding, it was my husband who wanted me to do it. So I did and I love the bond I have with my daughter because of it. I'm not ready to give it up yet. But I'm so tired of being told I need to start her on formula because my milk isnt enough.

Any advice from other mamas who've dealt with this?😞😫