Why is the pro life page anti-debate?


Just to be clear, I am prolife. I believe the only time an abortion should be allowed is if the mothers life is at mortal risk of death and the baby would loose its life anyway. If the pregnancy is past the point of viability I believe the baby should be delivered and given a chance with medical support rather then an actual abortion procedure be carried out (which would require death in the womb)... this only exception I personally make has also been greatly weighed in on by medical professional who have stated an abortion is never required to save the life of the mother... but ANYWAY.. this isn’t the main point of my post 🙃

The rules of this room say that debate is not allowed and I wonder why others in this room feel that is the way it needs to be? I would agree with rules that say people should treat others decently and not resort to name calling, but debate about such an important issue seems like it could be a positive thing. I find the topic of prolife to be one of the very easiest things to debate because there is both the science and the human rights issues on our side.. I just don’t understand why we as a platform would be against debate... anyone else feel the same?