Paranoid and excited


So I have been having some cramping and headaches. I had some tingling in my left arm and I thought I was seeing yellow spots..

I went to the er and explained my concerns and the team took blood tests and an ultrasound.

The tech wouldn’t speak to me at all about what she saw but I was snooping and saw for myself.

I saw a heartbeat (145bpm) and I’m measuring a few days ahead of my prediction on this app. I am 7 w 3 days according to the app but the doctor said I’m measuring at 7w 5 days. There was a checklist of what was seen and it said heartbeat ✅ movement ✅ yolk sack ✅ also that I have multiple uterine fibroids the largest measuring 6 cm and two that are in the 5 cm range.

This tidbit of info was interesting since I had a myomectomy to remove my fibroids about three years ago. I thought I was overreacting and possibly pregnant with multiples but it’s a singleton with fibroids 🤷🏾‍♀️.