My early Christmas present 💙


Rowan Lee wasn’t due until January 15th but lately my blood pressure had been on the rise. Today I had my c-section due to this sweet boy being breech since 24 weeks! I was extremely nervous of the unknown but so far I am impressed with the process. The anesthesiologist met with me before going to the OR and explained every single detail. They walked me back and had me hunch over while they felt my hips and spine and inserted the spinal block, them feeling my hips and spine was honestly the most painful part of the entire thing. I was told I would feel a lot of pressure while they got him out but I felt absolutely nothing! The Anesthesiologist stayed by my side the entire time, I couldn’t ask for someone better. Once they pulled him and the NICU team checked him over he was handed to my husband and we were moved to recovery ( finally I could eat! LOL) and eventually our room, it took about 45-50 mins start to finish. I will say you are pretty much completely naked on the OR table with legs wide apart LOL but I felt very comfortable the entire time. I was very nervous of that part but it was nothing to them. I am sure come morning I’ll be in a lot of pain BUT it is what it is. I have some serious respect for those women who have vaginal births, I was exhausted after the c-section, I can’t imagine how I would feel the other way. We will be here 4 days, but glad to have the help while I can get it. Its been an incredible journey and I so enjoyed having everyone on here to read and vent to. Good luck to all you mamas. Here is my sweet boy at 37 weeks, 6lbs 5oz, 20 inches! I can’t wait to continue to read your journeys! May God be with you all 💙