25yr/o & still afraid to tell my mom I’m expecting 🤦🏼‍♀️😅

I conceived my first child just 3 months before 18 years of age. I was fresh into Senior year of high school . I didn’t find out until I was 2months pregnant already (don’t ask me how it went unnoticed kus idk🤷🏼‍♀️) anyway , I was afraid to tell my mom because my sister who is a year older than I am , got pregnant at 15! (I was 14 at the time) And my mom was livid 😬 just 3 months after having her first she fell pregnant AGAIN. So as you can imagine my mom was disappointed when she learned I was pregnant and still in school .

So fast forward to the NOW , I’m 25 and finally have been able to conceive my second after trying for a year ! My sister who is 26 has 6 accidental kids now all of which my mom always had a negative reaction to and then later in the pregnancies they’d be closer than ever (I’d even get jealous at times) . Over the years of wanting another baby I always felt each time my sister got pregnant she was stealing my chance to ever get pregnant (idk maybe that sounds dumb lol?) So here I am excited as all hell that I’m pregnant yet So terrified of my moms negative reaction when I decide to tell her 😕 tbh I don’t even want to tell her but my honey has told all of his family who are all sooo excited and supportive which makes me sad because I just wanted that same energy from my family .. what do you think I should do ? Any ideas to tell her ?