Need advice!

My boyfriend and I have been together for going on 4 years now. We got pregnant with our daughter 6 months into our relationship. We’ve had our rough patches before but we always seemed to get over them. But the relationship has turned really nasty. And I think it’s partially my fault. I say things I shouldn’t and pretty much belittle him because I resent him for the things he doesn’t do. I always have to figure EVERYTHING out for my daughter. Seriously, every fucking thing. I feel like when it comes to parenting he’s a good dad to her but making big decisions like finding a babysitter or figuring out who’s going to pick her up because we both work, all of that falls on me and the list just goes on. I’ve tried to get over this and let it go but it’s so much more, I can’t even type it all. I just feel like he’s holding me back from being better and I’m angry at him for it. He’s content with living a mediocre life and that’s just not me. Are these signs that maybe were just not meant to be? I’ve been thinking heavily about breaking up with him lately but it makes me so sad because of our daughter. I just really need advice, even if it’s harsh. I need anything I can get.

Also, we had a miscarriage in November. He worked the entire time so I mourned our baby alone. Ever since then, things just went to shit really quick.