Christmas present from the baby in my womb 💙


I don’t feel I share too much on social media, if anything it’s probably something about my dogs because I’m very obsessed with them lol I rarely mention when my husband buys me flowers or what he’s drawn or written on my morning note or the surprise happy he’s bought me just because. I know many know we are expecting but I don’t think many know how long it took us to get pregnant. For a little bit I thought the only babies we were gonna have were our fur babies. Since the major blessing of expecting our first son, my heart has been nervous because the attention will get turned once our boy arrives. I never want our dogs to feel rejected, unloved or second place but I know it will be different. For one of my gifts this year my husband framed pictures I took of them and had a card in there “from baby T”, saying how great of a mother I’m going to be and how much he already feels loved by me. In the card “he” continues to say how it’s okay for me to share my love because they were there all the years that I was waiting for him. (Literally balling as he’s reading) and that these pictures were to remind me that it’s okay. I can’t describe what this meant to me. My husband knows my heart, what brings me joy and my fears. He really does know me better than myself sometimes. I just wanted to share what kind of love I’m grateful to receive every day from this husband of mine. Baby T isn’t here yet and he’s already killing it at being a dad and giving gifts from baby 😂