Am i pregnant or just getting fat?


So like my boyfriend and i had sex my birthday weekend which was November 8-10. I was supposed to get my period but i skipped it because i wanted to have sex. So i got my period i think a week or two later and i said okay I’m good. Then after my bleeding stopped, and the old blood ran through i noticed that i would get weird discharge that ivenever gotten before. Then i started to bleed and i was worried cause i didn’t know what it was. I told my friends what was going on and they said i could be prego. Even though i got my period i can still get pregnant. I took two tests, one said negative, when i took the other one it showed a line buto it wasn’t that visible. My aunt had a dream that someone in the house was prego. So now I’ve been having this weird feeling in my stomach, and it feels like something is like holding down and yssterday i think i felt like throwing up in the morning but i didn’t cause it went away. Idk if it’s cause i ate good yesterday and today, but this is my stomach, i kinda feel bloated but it doesn’t look like it. If i were to be prego I’d be like what 6 weeks already? Maybe I’m just getting fat and it looks like I’m prego