We were told that he was supposed to be here on the 4th of December in one location then told Decemb...

We were told that he was supposed to be here on the 4th of December in one location then told December 14th in a different location. So on the 14th we talked about inducing but that would be on Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> instead. But on the 16th, I woke up feeling the cramps and pains. I had done my running around and gotten home around 4 and was in tears by how much pain i was in, my doctor had told me I should go in to the hospital but it was my choice. Around 7pm hubby and I decided we should go in! I was already 3 cm dialated, I wandered the halls for about 2 hours & showered for about the same amount of time. Pushing only lasted an hour so my precious baby boy came to us at 11:46pm♡