Car Seat Crying...Still

Audy • 🌈💙 Sept 2019 💔Sept 2016 💙June 2012

So my 16 weeker still flips his lid when in the car seat. It’s not immediately. He can go about 10 minutes and then he melts down. Hysterically crying, gets beaded up in sweat, bright red...this is all in the couple minutes it takes me to safely pull over.

Then I have to spend forever calming him down, get back in his seat where then I *may* have 3-5 minutes before he does it again.

I’m basically housebound at this point because it seems traumatizing. He has a completely different cry - it’s the only time he cries “alone”, and then the rest of the day, he has that same wild heartbroken cry from being so upset.

It takes us 2 hours to drive somewhere that used to take 30 minutes - and that’s a long time of us pulled over with him crying. So I basically stopped driving unless I have no choice.

My first hated the car seat, I remember having to stop and soothe, but not to this extent. He also started to grow out of it around 5 months?

I am lucky because I don’t *have* to go anywhere, but I’m also wondering anyone else still dealing with this?

He doesn’t take a paci, sitting next to him doesn’t matter and isn’t really an option now that my husband is back to work.

I’m trying to wait it out until his a little older, but my husband tonight said that he supports whatever I choose but also that I shouldn’t be locked to the house.

Just wondering how everyone has handled it...