35 weeks and I’m dilated..

This all started since yesterday (Christmas Day) I say down to eat breakfast and all of a sudden i was uncomfortable, I couldn’t sit right , it was painful to sit. Throughout the day I was feeling a sharp pain in the pelvic area. I felt a few on the sides and then back to the pelvic.. I took a hot shower, drank water, moved around, layed down.. nothing helped.

The next day, (today) I called into work and I sent a message to my ob and was told to go to L&D.

The drs didn’t seem to sympathetic , they said basically the baby was “trying to find a light through the tunnel” 🙄 and that I was dilated to a 1 & that I am not in labor. And they dipped out. They weren’t in the room for more than 2 min & discharged me.. but I’ve been having the same pain on and off AND LOTS OF pressure down there.

The nurse said I needed to keep him in there until after New Years and if he NEEDS to come out after the new year than that would be okay...

This is my second pregnancy. Has this happen to any of you guys? How long did it take for you to go into labor?