Teaching my 15 month old to put himself to sleep


Help. I know this is the result of our own laziness but we’re at a turning point where we need to change our habits and teach our little one to go to sleep in his cot.

Currently he goes to sleep in our arms and we transfer him to his cot. but I’m 12 weeks pregnant with number two and pretty soon I won’t be able to gently place him in the cot asleep. He needs to go to sleep on his own.

I know he does it at daycare but for us he just stands himself back up and refuses to lay down. Sometimes I can get him to lay there with my hand on him, he sometimes lays there so still you think he’s asleep and you lift your hand. Boom 💥 it’s like he is spring loaded. He stands up again. This can go on for hours. Till I eventually give in and pick him up and put him to sleep in my arms.

Have any of you got any tips? What worked for you?