Sleep training/teaching how to self sooth


Just wondering who has tried sleep training? Which methods have you tried? Did they work for you? Did you like the process? How long did it take until it “worked”.. what were the results?

My LO was born aug 2 so I figured I kinda have more in common with July moms lol!! Just some background info on my situation.. my son dosnt need to feed at night and can go from 8-9pm to 6-8am without eating — dosnt mean he’s sleeping the whole time! Although he gets good 4-6hrs without waking and is easy to soothe when he does wake up at night he totally sucks at helping himself to sleep and almost always requires help from me. If I rock him he sleeps no problem but as soon as I put him down his eyes open and no matter how I put him down (asleep, awake, drowsy etc) he can’t self sooth. He just squirms around and gets fussy until he has a full on melt down. So now I’m looking for some kind of advice on sleep training.. I don’t really know if it will work for us but my end goal is for him to be able to fall asleep on his own. I know everyone has different opinions on this.. but that’s what I want to hear.. your experience!