My husband has no sex drive whatsoever...

Erika • Being four...there`s nothing I love more

So, I’m not talking a couple of weeks or months...this is years (5 this time to be exact) with no sex. I’m pretty much the opposite but I’m living with it because I love him so much. He is a great father and partner. We make a great team for everything else (last time we had sex was to conceive our youngest, and we have 2 kids) I’ve tried anything you can think of but he is not into sex

The other day we went out with other couples and it kind of felt good to have other guys check me out (it felt like a validation that there’s nothing wrong with me or the way I look) He had a few issues in the past (not being able to get/hold an erection, and I think that triggered this) I’ve cried many times about it, asked him to see another specialist, or even try to do something natural to give it a try, but he doesn’t seem to care at all...right now I feel that I’m done not having sex with someone (other than myself)

I begged him to do something about it and he changes subject or promises he will and then he doesn’t. I have a pain on my chest because this is not something I can talk about with anybody. I’m quite hopeless and I feel this will be my life!!

Any thoughts? What kind of condition could cause a man not to have sex drive? Help! Please