Brat hates monitors more than she loves hiding


26+3 and feeling foolish but relieved. Trying to remind myself I did the right thing. I've noticed a decrease in fetal movement over the last week and this evening I turned on the doppler and heard silence. Not even my placenta. Unusual for me. I ended up finding a heartbeat for 2 seconds before losing it again. But I'm aware that hearing baby's heartbeat doesn't mean all is well. Off to the ER I went.

This little girl hates monitors. Wouldn't you know that after a week of no big kicks and only barely noticeable rolls and swishes, she KARATE KICKS at the monitors on my stomach?

Guys, I feel like the annoying hypochondriac mom but I'm aware that's the same anxiety that sent me to the ER that's making me feel stupid and annoying. The doctors here at my hospital are amazing and DO NOT make me feel stupid at all. They're helping me feel better about coming in.

I wonder if this is indicative of what her personality will be like..